Rock On!

Or Jazz on. Or Country on. Whatever your style, whatever your genre, whatever your dream voice is, you can get there faster and safer with The SPAA Treatment singing technique featured in The Voice Building Fast Track. We help you develop your own perfect sound, all while teaching you how to preserve and maintain it for a lifetime.

Why The Voice Building Fast Track?

A couple years ago, a friend came to me about a job she'd just taken. It involved hours of singing day after day, and she was concerned about if she could do it. If she would last.

I did what any decent person would do and let her in on some of my experiences and tricks of the trade.

I know she didn't listen to me, and I know she didn't take my advice.

How do I know?

Because less than a month into her new job she was calling me, now hoarse and afraid of the damage the next performance was going to do to her voice.

This woman's dream job was suddenly a nightmare because she lacked the training and technique that I was so capable of providing.

I knew that my conscience would never allow me to let that happen to someone else who came to me for help again.

And the Voice Building Fast Track was born!

The Voice Building Fast Track is my way of helping people avoid this and other pitfalls of a life-long love of singing and performing...

...all for the insanely low (special) price of $49.

Breathe Easy

Never feel strained, strangled, or out of breath again with our featured Open Breath technique. You'll have more stamina, more energy and more power through each song and after.

Hot Flashes

Don't worry, not that kind! Flashes are a part of The SPAA Treatment technique. They insure clean, concise lyrics and consistent sound. You'll wonder how you ever sang without them!

Resonate With Us

Believe it or not, there are proper places for your voice to come from. Here's a hint: It's not where you think! Learn where, why, and how to get into these resonances in the Voice Building Fast Track.

Preview The Voice Building Fast Track Right Here!

  The Most Important Video Of This Course
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  The SPAA Treatment
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  Complete Independence: Becoming Your Own Coach
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  BONUS: Voice Building Workout
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  BONUS: Voice Building Backpack
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  Class Recordings
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